5100 Plus 套裝避震器組
5100Plus系列是由5100Co版本升級而來是5100系列的最高版本配置 同時具有倒置式筒身設計與12個點擊阻尼軟硬調整範圍 ,
前軸採用直捲式彈簧搭配鋁合金魚眼上座 可降低車輛的行駛高度約3-5公分 後軸使用Coil over設定(可選配鋁合金上座及魚眼固定套件)
5100Plus 是一款街道兼容賽道使用的高性能懸吊系統
- 選用鋁合金魚眼上座容許更大角度調整(限定車種),避震器作動角度更加靈活
- 搭配直捲式彈簧可以有效的抑制側傾
- 後軸彈簧選項(Coil over) 能獲得較佳的舒適性與循跡性
- 後軸可搭配鋁合金上座及魚眼固定套件*選購
- AST專屬防傾桿拉桿(李仔串)可以增加防傾桿的鋼性(限定車種)*選購
- 荷蘭原廠手工組裝
- 施工安裝容易
- 採用高壓氮氣充填的浮動活塞設計可消除油室內的氣泡(擁有更穩定的阻尼作動)
- 14mm直徑的內部避震器軸芯
- 44.5mm直徑的倒置避震器外軸芯
- 倒置式鋼製避震器外軸芯
- 高性能避震系統
- 避震器使用低磨擦密封組件
- 回彈阻尼可單獨調整(12段)
- 調節旋鈕永久安裝在避震器上(不需要使用特殊工具)
- 強化的筒身支架橡膠襯套。
- 可選配DLC(類鑽碳)塗層軸
- 可選DDP活塞(雙活塞)
- 可選彈簧Kg數(磅數)
- 可選配訂制閥門
- 一年保固(嚴禁賽道使用) 賽道使用只提供保修服務
Sportline 2 (5100 Series Plus)
The 5100Plus series of shock absorbers feature an inverted barrel design with 12 click adjustment ranges,adjustable damping, soft and hard, and a high-low adjustable design with a straight-roll spring that reduces the vehicle's ride height by approximately 3-5 cm in most vehicles.The front axle uses an aluminum alloy fisheye upper rear axle with an integral custom spring option and an AST-specific anti-roll bar (limited vehicle type).
How a Monotube design works?
Monotube design essential for performance, The oil and nitrogen are separated by a floating piston, and
allows the use of a larger piston, increasing the damper performance and sensitivity felt by the driver, all this
added together produces more grip, gives more control and driver feedback from your vehicle.
What is a rebound adjustment?
Rebound controls the rate of extension of your shock absorber. By changing the rebound you can directly
change the characteristics of the vehicle.
Technical specifications:
- Floating piston design with high pressure nitrogen eliminates air bubbles in the oil chamber.
- 14mm diameter internal shaft.
- 44.5mm diameter shock absorber core.
- High performance racing suspension system .
- New low friction seal assemblies on all AST dampers.
- Rebound can be adjusted separately.
- The adjuster knob is permanently mounted on the damping.
- Optional aluminum alloy fish eye seat.
- Optional DLC (Diamond-like Carbon) coated shaft.
- Optional DDP piston (double piston).
- Optional custom valve.
- Optional rear axle integral custom spring (limited vehicle type).
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