線上購物 車款 Toyota AST Toyota Supra A90 5100 TCO Plus+ Series

AST Toyota Supra A90 5100 TCO Plus+ Series

AST Toyota Supra A90 5100 TCO Plus+ Series








5100 TCO Plus+ 系列 (1-WAY)

倒置技術(俗稱倒叉) / 單向阻尼軟硬可調 / 筒簧一體設計(Coilover) / 前後軸鋁合金魚眼上座

5100 TCO Plus+系列是5100系列的最高版本配置,同時具有倒置式筒身設計與12段回彈阻尼軟硬調整範圍,前軸採用直捲式彈簧搭配鋁合金魚眼上座,可降低車輛的行駛高度約30-50mm。

5100 TCO Plus+系列最主要是為了改善一般原廠後軸彈簧與阻尼器設置在不同位置的車種所開發的,例如(AUDI A3、BMW 1/2/3/4、VW GOLF)在這些車種上,彈簧都放置在三角架的中間,在這種配置下因為力距的原理就像翹翹板一樣,所以必須使用較高磅數的彈簧來維持車輛的穩定性。

而5100 TCO Plus+系列後軸彈簧選項俗稱筒簧一體的設計,是將阻尼器變成像麥花臣設計一樣;彈簧放在筒身上面,好處是可以使用較軟的彈簧與阻尼獲得更多的行程,增加循跡性與舒適性以及更高的側向支撐性,這是AST領先業界的一個全新的設計,更是將市售懸吊系統推向更高的標準。

5100 TCO Plus+系列是一款街道兼容賽道使用的高性能懸吊系統。


● 採用高壓氮氣的浮動式活塞設計可消除油室內的氣泡(擁有更穩定的阻尼作動)
● 後軸彈簧與阻尼器一體式設計(Coilover) 能獲得較佳的舒適與循跡性
● 直徑14mm的內部阻尼器軸芯(內軸)
● 44.5mm直徑的倒置阻尼器軸芯提供優異的強度,當在彎道裡或重煞車時提供更好的懸吊幾何形狀,不管是在賽道或街道上
● 倒置式鋼製阻尼器外軸芯
● 高性能賽車懸吊系統
● 阻尼器使用低摩擦密封組件
● 回彈阻尼可單獨調整(12段)
● 筒身支架使用強化橡膠襯套
● 調節旋鈕永久安裝於阻尼器上,無需特殊工具
● 前後軸搭配鋁合金魚眼上座
● 可選配DLC(類鑽碳)塗層軸,塗層專為負載較高的部件而設計,可減少摩擦、降低磨損、增加使用壽命
● 可選配DDP活塞(雙活塞),可改善低速抖動
● 可選配訂製閥門
● 可提供重建及維修
● 一年保固(嚴禁賽道使用)
● 賽道使用只提供維修服務

5100 TCO Plus+ Series

AST Suspension 5100 TCO Plus+Series shock absorbers utilize inverted/upside down technology. The inverted design is race proven technology and produces an extremely strong damper, providing better suspension geometry under heavy lateral and braking loads as seen on both road and track environment.

These 5100 Series shock absorbers give the car better performance than a standard twin tube design. The 5100 Series suspension rebound adjustment can be adjusted with one knob and the adjustment platform allows adjustment to the ride height of the car. AST suspension shock bodies are specially designed to keep maximum stroke, even with a lower ride height.

How a Monotube design works?

Monotube design essential for performance, The oil and nitrogen are separated by a floating piston, and
allows the use of a larger piston, increasing the damper performance and sensitivity felt by the driver, all this added together produces more grip, gives more control and driver feedback from your vehicle.

What is a rebound adjustment?

Rebound controls the rate of extension of your shock absorber. By changing the rebound you can directly change the characteristics of the vehicle.

Technical specifications:

● High End, Track Ready Suspension
● Floating Piston Design With High Pressure Nitrogen Means No Cavitation Around The Piston
● Rebound Adjustable ("1-Way")
● 14mm Diameter Internal Shaft
● 44.5mm Diameter Shaft Struts, Inverted
● Steel Cylinder Body Shocks, Inverted
● Adjuster Knobs Are Permanently Mounted On The Dampers
● Dutch original manual assembly
● Easy to install and install
● One year warranty (no use on the track)
● Track service is only available for warranty service

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